Main Library
All adult and young adult materials can be found on the Main Street level. Access can be found from the street or from the rear parking lot. Juvenile and young children’s materials are found downstairs which can be accessed directly from the back/parking lot side of the library.
Also located on the main floor are public-access desktop computers. There are twelve computers available for use. All users must sign in to use the computer using their library card and password (fines less than $5.00 in order to be allowed access). Guests in the area can use a temporary internet pass issued at the circulation desk.
Our new Maker Space is located in the Teen Room on the main floor. It includes a Glowforge Plus, Cricut, sewing machines, photo/video editing software, a 3-D printer, and a variety of games.
Community Room
The Community Room is located downstairs and can be accessed directly from the back/parking lot side of the library.
Genealogy Materials
All genealogy materials, except for microfilmed newspapers, have now been moved to the Hamblen County Archives, located at 511 W. Second North St., Morristown in the Old Courthouse. Please contact the Archives at: (423) 586-1961 for hours and more information.
Anyone who needs help researching their family tree can also meet with the Genealogical Society. The Society meets on the first Thursday of the month (unless noted otherwise) at 5:30 P.M. at the Senior Citizen’s Center, 841 Lincoln Avenue in Morristown.